Additional Tab for Account Executives

The Additional tab on the Manage Loan screen displays additional information about a loan, such as appraisal information and government data, and can also be used to modify real estate agent information.

The Additional tab includes the following sections.

Open Appraisal Information and Project Detail

The Appraisal Information and Project Detail section displays information about the property appraisal, such as the appraisal company, appraisal date, and the rental value for each unit.

Open Flood Certificate Detail

The Flood Certificate Detail section is used to display information about the property's flood certificate, such as the certificate number, the company that provided the flood certificate, and the contract type.

Open General Tracking 

The General Tracking section displays general information that can be used to track the loan, such as the associated campaign, origination type, and number of days of interest.

Open Government Data

The Government Data section displays information related to government initiatives that are applicable to the loan, such as the refinance type, whether the home is energy efficient, 203K, residual income, income details for the borrower and the borrower's spouse.

Open Hazard Insurance Detail

The Hazard Insurance Detail section displays details about the property's hazard insurance, such as the policy number, coverage amount, and paid through date.

Open Compliance Information
The Compliance Information section displays compliance information for the loan such as QM, and Ability to Repay.

The HMDA section displays information regarding the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) applicable to the loan, such as the pre-approval type, action date, and the purpose of the loan.

Open Mortgage Insurance Detail
The Mortgage Insurance Detail section displays information about the property's mortgage insurance, such as the duration, the premium payment type, and the scheduled amortization date.

Open Prior Liens

The Prior Liens section displays details about prior liens on the loan, such as the lender name, term, and interest rate.

Note: This section displays for refinance files.

Open Sellers
The Sellers section displays information about the selling party involved in the loan, such as the name of the seller, the seller's phone number, and the seller's address.

Note: This section displays based on the status of the loan or the type of loan.

Click the seller's phone number to call the number using your default voice program, or click the (Call with Dialpad) icon to call the number using Dialpad. You can also click the seller's address to display the location using Google Maps in a separate browser tab.

Open Underwriting

The Underwriting section displays information related to the underwriting process for the loan, such as the AUS type, reserve amount, and sales concession amount.