Disclosure Tab for Account Executives

The Disclosure tab on the Manage Loan screen displays a variety of disclosure information for the loan, including the loan estimates, cost details, and summaries of transactions.

OpenDisclosure Tab Action Buttons

Use the purple buttons with eye icons to view the Loan Estimate, Cushion Calculation Schedule, and Amortization Schedule.

  • Preview Loan Estimate. Click this button to view a PDF version of the loan estimate, which can be saved or printed as needed.

  • Cushion Detail Table. Click this button to view the Cushion Calculation Schedule window. On this window, click the Print button to print the schedule.

  • Amortization Schedule. Click this button to view the Amortization Schedule window. On this window, click the Print button to print the schedule.

The Disclosure tab includes the following sections. Available sections vary by loan type or user role.

Note: Information in certain sections on the Disclosure tab can be modified. However, details for the loan cannot be modified if the loan is in Clear To Close, Closing, Funding, In Shipping, Incomplete, Post Closing, Purchased, Rescinded, or Servicing status.

OpenLoan Estimate Additional Section

The Loan Estimate Additional section displays loan estimate details, such as the disclosed APR, the closing estimate date, and the loan estimate date.

OpenLoan Disclosure Additional Section

The Loan Disclosure Additional section displays disclosure information about the loan, such as the APR, closing date, and first payment date.

OpenCost Details Tab

The Cost Details tab displays origination charges, service costs, amounts for taxes and other government fees, prepaid amounts, and the total closing costs for the loan. This section corresponds to sections A to J on the loan estimate.

Click the  (Edit) icon to modify amounts on this tab. For each section, you can add an additional cost or fee amount by selecting an item from the drop-down field and clicking the  (Add) icon. You can delete an amount by clicking the corresponding  (Delete) icon.

In addition, you can indicate which amounts should be calculated into the APR by enabling or disabling the switch button in the APR column. A switch that is blue and to the right indicates the corresponding amount will be used when calculating the APR. A switch that is white and to the left indicates the corresponding amount will not be used when calculating the APR.

The entry in the To column indicates who is responsible for paying the fee or to whom the fee is being paid.

Click the Save Changes button at the top of the screen to save your changes. You can click the Loan Summary button in the top left corner of the screen to reference the general loan information that displays at the top of the Manage Loan screen.

OpenPayoffs and Payments Tab

The Payoffs and Payments tab displays a summary of payoffs and payments to other parties on the loan, such as the amount that was paid to a lending bank.

OpenCalculating Cash to Close Tab

The Calculating Cash to Close tab displays a summary of the cash to close calculations between the loan estimate and the final amount actually paid.

The Did this change? column displays a clear indication of whether an amount changed between the estimate and the final amount, allowing you to quickly determine which amounts changed and which did not.

OpenSummaries of Transactions Tab

The Summaries of Transactions tab displays a summary of the borrower's transactions and a summary of the seller's transactions. For example, amounts for the loan amount and total due from the borrower at closing are included in the borrower's transactions, while the total due to and from the seller at closing are included in the seller's transactions.

Note: This tab displays for purchase case loans only.

Click the  (Edit) icon to modify amounts in this section. Additional adjustment items that must be paid by the seller in advance of closing or that are unpaid by the seller can be added by selecting an item from the drop down in section M or N and clicking the  (Add) icon. You can delete an added item by clicking the corresponding  (Delete) icon.

Click the Save Changes button at the top of the window to save your changes.

OpenService Providers Tab

The Service Providers tab displays contact information for service providers associated with the loan.

Service Providers Tab Actions

  • Click the provider's phone number to call the number using your default voice program.

  • Click the  (Call with Dialpad) icon to call the provider's phone number using Dialpad.