How to manage documents?

This article will show how to upload, move, copy, rearrange, download, or delete documents.

To upload documents navigate to the documents section to the right of every file.


Click the Green Add New Documents button to drag and drop or upload from your computer. This is the only place for where to upload documents to the file. 


From here you can rename, and sort documents into different loan document types. Can also attach document to conditions if applicable. Once ready simply hit the green Add New Documents button and docs will be uploaded in real time. 


Within the documents section on the right-hand side of the file there will be a blue edit button for each document.


From here you can edit the entire document in General Operations. Can rename, and move to different loan document type for the whole document here and attach to conditions if necessary

To Copy, Move, Rotate, Rearrange, or delete use the document operations tab

Once chosen Type can choose page rang from available pages and move to loan document type from there. Choosing Move in the types allows for a page range to be chosen to separate documents from packages. This same process of choosing page range follows when choosing delete, reorder, and rearrange. 

Once complete choose action button to complete operations. 


For more document management click the document operations button at the top of the documents section. 

Here users can Merge, Download, Send, and Archive documents. Documents can chosen individually or Check All in each loan document type to create a package. (Stacking orders can be set on company level for the entire company). 


See quick video about how to download documents (merge will create one pdf document, compressed zip will create zip file. - Download docs


See quick video how to Merge documents. Merge Docs