IDS eSign Instructions for LO's

Step-by-step guide

eSign Process: Loan Officers
NOTE: This is only for initial and re-disclosure packages only; your "Package Type" needs to reflect that.

On the Audit & Order page, your "eDisclosure Method" needs to say "eSign". Once you have selected "eSign", the file is prepared and ready to be generated, assuming you're passing all your audits and the documents can be generated.

Next, you can order documents by clicking on the "Order Docs" tab.

This will then take you to the IDS Order Status page.

TIP: If you need to view a file that has been eSigned or go back to a particular page, you can jump back to the Order Status page and see the package without reordering the documents.

The first step we recommend is to click on the document to preview it. This is not necessary to eSign the documents, but you will want to be aware of what is being sent to the Borrower, and this is an easy way to do that.

Next, click on "Options" to the right of the file you are sending, and then select "Send to Fulfillment".

After clicking on "Send to Fulfillment", a blue envelope will appear; this means the document has successfully been sent to Fulfillment and the system is generating the eSign Room. This will be sent off as a link to the Borrower and the Loan Officers.

Shortly, an "E" will appear next to the Fulfillment envelope. This "E" is a direct link to the Loan Officer login to access the eSign Room.


Once logged in, you can view the documents directly. A list will generate with the documents the Loan Officer needs to sign.

The Loan Officer will then be able to scroll through the document and jump right to the area that needs to be signed.

Once that document is complete, you can either 'jump' to the next document to sign or view.

After you have finished signing all of the required documents, you are now ready to order. Once the required signatures are completed, you will see a pop-up with "Congratulations!", which tells you to print any documents that require to be physically signed and delivered to the Loan Officer.

Once the Borrower has signed their documents, an email will be sent to notify the Loan Officer.

TIP: The Loan Officer does have access to view the "Signing Progress", which lets you see any documents that have been completed, and those that still need a signature from the Borrower or Loan Officer. This page also allows the Loan Officer to view any document and further aid the Borrower with further questions or concerns.

If you notice any mistakes after you have sent this to the Borrower, you are able to go in and delete the file from Fulfillment. However, once the documents are viewed in the eSign Room, you are no longer able to delete the file from eSign. You can delete an unopened document from Fulfillment, however, this will not stop/delete any emails already sent to the borrower, but the link provided will not work.

NOTE: Not every Loan Officer is able to delete from Fulfillment; this function is based on User Permissions and is set up by the account administrator.

If you have any questions, please contact IDS by calling 800-554-1872, or by email at